Meet the seven mother-daughter duos from the TLC show

Publish date: 2024-05-14

sMothered is back with another season and a whole lot of jaw-dropping content. While the bond a mother and daughter share is extremely special, there comes a point where it's just uncomfortable to watch. TLC is bringing back just that, sMothered season 4 will follow the lives of close-knitted mother-daughter duos and viewers cannot wait to find out what will happen next.

While a parent loves a child unconditionally; this show makes viewers question the ethics of such unconditional love as well as the need to create boundaries.

sMothered first premiered in 2019 and the latest installment will premiere on August 8 at 9 pm ET.

This season will feature some familiar faces and obsessive bonds as well as new faces with equally obsessive family ties.

Some of these pairs share just about everything, from boyfriends to bathwater and are essentially joined at the hip.

TLC announced season 4 with a press release:

"Just when you thought you had seen it all, SMOTHERED returns to TLC on Monday, August 8 at 9PM ET/PT with more to love. This season welcomes back four fan-favorite mother-daughter duos and introduces three new pairings."

Returning to sMothered are Sunhe and Angelica; Kathy and Cristina; Dawn and Cher; and Lisa and Lauren.

Mother-Daughter duos to appear on sMothered Season 4

sMothered season 4 will feature seven inseparable mother-daughter pairs, four of whom have previously appeared on the show.

Returning Pairs

The four returning obsessive duos are:

Cher and Dawn

This sMothered duo could easily pass off as twin sisters, the two talk, dress and look alike. They claim that they can even tell what the other is thinking. The two have been a part of the show since its inception in 2019.

The two have been living in separate cities for the past 6 years but that is about to change as Cher's husband Jared is about to finish his residency in New York, and it seems a no-brainer that the couple moves closer to Cher's mother. When Jared shares his plans to move closer to his family in Miami, Dawn becomes increasingly determined to persuade them to move back to Tampa.

Cristina and Kathy

The returning sMothered pair is always in each other's business and that does not sit well with Cristina's husband Carlo. The two live four doors away from each other. With the success of Carlo's Pizzeria, Kathy looks forward to being a priority in her daughter's life. However, since Carlo has plans to expand the business, Kathy gets jealous and starts to make Cristina feel guilty. This leads to a big blowout between the couple, who insist the mother-daughter duo create some boundaries.

Angelica and Sunhe

The two are closer than ever and share everything from their bank accounts to their bathwater.

Ultimatums never work in a relationship, especially when one isn't even a part of the said relationship. Angelica has called off her wedding due to her mother's disapproval and her fiance's hesitation; Sunhe is looking forward to raising her daughter's newborn child with her, but the family still lives under the same roof. Angelica is keen on making her relationship work but her fiance tells Sunhe that she is no longer welcome, this leads to Sunhe giving him an ultimatum: if she goes, she will take her daughter and the newborn baby with her.

Lauren and Lisa

In the previous season of sMothered, the two conducted an insemination in secret without Lauren's wife's knowledge and now that seed is growing. The soon-to-be mother insists that this "too close for comfort" mother-daughter duo set certain boundaries. Lisa thinks that her daughter's wife is trying to distance the two, with their rivalry hitting its peak as the baby is born.

New faces, no boundaries

This season on sMothered, three new duos have joined the cast.

Shay and Angie

The sMothered duo have always been joined at the hips and have only grown closer together since her daughter came out as a trans woman.

Angie's unconditional support eventually started making Shay feel a little suffocated. Now, she wants to draw a line. Every day, she feels more like a pet project than a daughter whose mother is determined to mould her into the perfect woman.

Ashley and Cathy

The new duo on sMothered does everything together, from getting piercings and plastic surgery to boudoir photoshoots. The two even look alike, and no activity is off-limits. The two have, on more than one occasion, dated the same man.

Ashley moves in next door and the duo start spending more time together, making her sister Samantha feel left out. Ashley is so hungry for her mother's love that she deliberately excludes Samantha from plans, causing her to become jealous and bitter.

Paula and Francia

The new sMothered duo do not believe in boundaries and do everything together. They dance, party, and even sleep together without clothes on; while occasionally indulging in tickle fights.

The roles here are reversed. Paula's youthful and carefree spirit takes her everywhere, which leaves Francia to look after her mother as she makes sure her mother is well fed and always has a packed lunch.

Paula becomes overly jealous when she learns that her mother wants to adopt her niece and comes up with a plan to derail her journey and the adoption so she can have her all to herself.

sMothered season 4 will air on TLC with episodes will be available to stream on Discovery +.

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