How to complete Absconder Encounter side quest

Publish date: 2024-06-07

Looking to complete the Absconder Encounter side quest in Hogwarts Legacy? Look no further, as this article features an elaborate guide to locate Milo’s heirloom and gain valuable rewards.

Avalanche Studios’ latest single-player game features a commendable campaign narrated through enticing story-based quests. It also offers side quests for players to explore intricate mysteries spread across Hogwarts Legacy’s huge open-world map.

The Absconder Encounter side mission will unlock after you complete the eleventh main quest, Tomes and Tribulations. The quest features the Absconder, a powerful foe in Hogwarts Legacy. Higher in-game experience will assist in the fight against the peculiar Acromantula boss, so it’s recommended to take up this quest only after Level 30.

The following section includes a concise yet informative step-by-step guide to help players complete the Absconder Encounter.

Absconder Encounter Hogwarts Legacy side quest guide

To begin the Absconder Encounter side quest, players must visit Aranshire, a point of interest in the South Hogwarts region, and talk to Edgar Adley. Adley is a vendor who can be found standing at a shop stand in Aranshire.

Upon initiating a conversation with Adley, players will discover that the Absconder killed his friend Milo. Further, Adley will talk about Milo’s heirloom, a pocket watch that Milo lost in the cave during his encounter with the Absconder. To complete the quest, players will have to defeat the Acromantula, find the pocket watch, and return it to Adley.

Before beginning their journey towards the Absconder’s Cave, players should stock up on Wiggenweld Potion, an effective healing potion to carry under challenging battles. Follow these steps to complete Absconder Encounter in Hogwarts Legacy:

  • Follow the quest marker to locate the entrance of the Absconder’s Cave in the Forbidden Forest.
  • Before you find the Absconder, you’ll need to burn through sticky spider webs and kill a few aggressive spiders. Keep following the quest marker to reach the giant Acromantula boss in its cave.
  • When you locate the Absconder, use high-damaging spells like Incendio, Bombardo, Glacius, Flipendo, and more to deal constant damage to it. While doing so, keep dodging the Absconder’s attacks and healing yourself with Wiggenweld Potion whenever needed. You can also use other potions to help you in the fight.
  • After you defeat the Absconder, look for Milo’s heirloom pocket watch. You’ll find it in the western cavern at the back of the area where you fought the Acromantula. Use Incendio to burn the giant spider web and enter the area. You’ll find the pocket watch near the treasure chest.
  • Upon grabbing the pocket watch, head back to Aranshire, talk to Edgar Adley and return the pocket watch. This will complete the quest, and you’ll be awarded 180 XP and Brown Checkerboard.
  • You can also ask for 300 Galleons in exchange for your valiant effort. However, Adley will no longer sell you additional items if you ask for gold.

    That’s it - you have completed one of the most difficult side quests in Hogwarts Legacy and earned some much-deserved rewards.

    Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing game based on the mysteries of the Wizarding World and the iconic Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft. It is presently available to play on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S consoles.

    Warner Bros Games will also release ports for last-generation consoles and Nintendo Switch in the near future.

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