Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 survey hints at collaborations with FNAF, Demon Slayer, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-26

Fortnite survey leaks have now become a common recurring theme within the community. Every few weeks, leakers/data-miners get their hands on these lists that showcase potential future collaborations. For a while now, based on the feedback received from players, Epic Games makes a call and moves forward with planning collaborations. This time around, the list is rather intriguing to say the least.

It includes names such as Five Nights At Freddy's, Gorillaz, Fallout, League of Legends, Sonic the Hedgehog, Gremlins, Demon Slayer, and Spy x Family. Given that characters from some of these franchises have indeed become part of the Metaverse, this is a good hint at what players can expect to see in the coming months. While not all of them will make it in-game, a lot of them will, and with good reason.

Fortnite survey leak hints at upcoming major collaborations for Chapter 4 and beyond

As stated, the survey holds an impressive list of names from a variety of franchises. Perhaps the most famous of these is Five Nights At Freddy's. There's a cult-like following for this franchise and gamers from all walks of life are always excited for a potential collaboration. In fact, it was not too long ago that Fortnite leakers/data-miners had suggested an upcoming collaboration with FNAF.

Although it never came to pass, the fact that the name is yet again on the survey list means that Epic Games is likely taking things into consideration. Another popular franchise that will be featured in Fortnite soon will undoubtedly be League of Legends. Given that two characters - Jinx and Vi are already in-game, more will definitely be coming. With Arcane: Season 2 set to release in Q4 of 2024, another collaboration is already likely in development.

Yet another major franchise that will sooner or later feature in-game is Fallout. Given the close ties that Bethesda has with Epic Games, a crossover is inevitable. Similar to Doom Slayer who featured on the Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 Battle Pass, a character from Fallout may follow suit. Last, but certainly not the least, one name on the leaked survey list has caught the attention of the entire community - Demon Slayer.

Fortnite x Demon Slayer collaboration would break the internet

Ever since the first anime collaboration featuring Naruto back in Chapter 2 Season 8, Epic Games has not slowed down. Every few months popular anime characters make their way into the Metaverse. Thus far, Epic Games has collaborated with Naruto, Dragon Ball, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, and Jujutsu Kaisen. Each of these collaborations have been well received and loved.

Given how popular they were, having a Demon Slayer collaboration is an inevitability at this point. It is perhaps one of the most popular anime out there at the moment and fans have been wanting a crossover for a very long time. With Chapter 4 coming to an end and a new major phase of the storyline about to begin, there is no doubt that a Demon Slayer collaboration will be embedded in a Battle Pass for an upcoming season.

That said, while there are a few rumors and speculations about a potential timeline, there is nothing that can be confirmed currently. Nevertheless, given the path Epic Games is on, a Demon Slayer collaboration will happen and it is only a matter of when and not if.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 soon! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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